Church Leaders Chad Cronin | Hebrews 13:7
In this sermon, the Hebrew writer reminds the church of the critical importance of leadership and the need for leaders to guide and point the way. He encourages the church to remember and imitate the faith of their leaders. Church leaders are called to care for the souls of the congregation and should be supported and submitted to by the church. Their ministry should be a joy and not a burden. Go to Sermon
The Ancient Church Chad Cronin | Acts 4:32-37
In this sermon on Acts 4:32-37, the speaker discusses the characteristics of an ancient church and an ancient kind of Christian. The sermon emphasizes the need for selflessness and the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. Go to Sermon
A Fool’s Errand Chad Cronin | 1 Corinthians 2:1-9
In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 2, Pastor Chad emphasizes the simplicity and sufficiency of the gospel, urging believers to imitate Paul’s approach of relying solely on Jesus. He encourages listeners to go in simplicity, relying on the wisdom and power of God’s Spirit. The sermon highlights the secret and hidden wisdom of God, which is revealed to believers through the Holy Spirit. Pastor Chad underscores the importance of knowing Christ personally and relying on the Spirit for guidance and power in sharing the gospel. Go to Sermon
The Gospel is Enough Chad Cronin | 1 Corinthians 1:17-31
In this sermon, Paul emphasizes that the gospel of Jesus Christ is enough for all people, regardless of their status or accomplishments. He encourages the Corinthian believers to focus on the simplicity and power of the gospel message, resisting the temptation to dress it up with human wisdom or eloquence. Paul reminds them that the gospel is a stumbling block to those who are perishing, but the power of God to those who believe. He also emphasizes that the gospel is for the foolish and weak, as God has chosen to shame the wise and strong of this world. The sermon emphasizes the importance of keeping the gospel central in our lives and in our church, and humbling ourselves before God’s wisdom and power. Go to Sermon
Following Jesus Together Chad Cronin | 1 Corinthians 1:10-17
In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 1:10, Paul urges the church to be unified in Christ, emphasizing the importance of fellowship, obedience to the truth, and love for one another. Go to Sermon
When Following Jesus Gets Messy and Difficult Chad Cronin | 1 Corinthians 1:1-9
In this sermon on 1 Corinthians, we learn about God’s grace and how it sustains us in the messiness and difficulties of the Christian life. Go to Sermon
Be The Hands Archie Hand | Luke 17:12-19
In this sermon, the speaker shares his personal testimony of how he found God and was called to the mission field. He emphasizes the importance of personal relationship with Jesus and encourages the listeners to be the hands of God in reaching out to others who are lost and broken. Go to Sermon
Evil of Idleness Chad Cronin | Proverbs 6:6-11
In this sermon, the preacher discusses the evil of idleness and the importance of being diligent in all aspects of life to honor God. Go to Sermon
The City of God Chad Cronin | Psalm 48:8-14
In this sermon, the speaker emphasizes the importance of loving and living for the city of God, as described in Psalm 48. He encourages parents to prioritize discipleship and passing on their love for Christ and His kingdom to their children. The speaker also reminds us of God’s faithfulness to guide us forever. Go to Sermon
Give Thanks! Chad Cronin | Psalms 107:1-3
In this sermon on Psalm 107, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being thankful for God’s steadfast love and the gospel. He encourages listeners to let their gratitude for the gospel be evident in their words and actions. Go to Sermon