The Smallness of the Kingdom Chad Cronin | Matthew 13:31-32
In this sermon on Matthew 13:31-32, the preacher discusses the smallness of the kingdom of heaven and how God works in small and inconsequential ways to accomplish great things for His kingdom. Go to Sermon
The Wheat and the Tares Bill Klein | Matthew 13:24-30
In this sermon on the parable of the weeds, Jesus teaches that there are two sowers, one being Jesus and the other being the devil. He explains that there will be a time of judgement when the wheat and the weeds will be separated. Go to Sermon
The Wheat and the Tares Bill Klein | Matthew 13:24-30
No summary available Go to Sermon
The Seed of the Kingdom Chad Cronin | Matthew 13:1-9
In this sermon on Matthew chapter 13, the speaker discusses the parable of the sower and the different types of soil that represent different responses to the gospel. He emphasizes the importance of having a heart prepared to receive the seed of the kingdom and warns against being hindered by the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches. Go to Sermon
Family Life Chad Cronin | Matthew 12:46-50
In this sermon from Matthew 12:46-50, we discuss the concept of spiritual family life. Christ teaches us that the highest form of spiritual life is being a part of the family of God. By His work, we freely receive new, indestructible, eternal life and are transformed into obedient people driven not by our own merit but by Christ’s victory. As a spiritual family, we are called to grow in faith, pray regularly, and proclaim the gospel. Go to Sermon
What’s In The Heart Chad Cronin | Matthew 12:33-37
In this sermon, we discuss the importance of the fruit of our lives reflecting what is in our hearts. Jesus warns against living a life of self-righteousness and emphasizes the need for true repentance and faith in Him for salvation. He also highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the importance of being filled with the Spirit. Go to Sermon
The Rest Found in Jesus Chase Comeaux | Matthew 11-25-20
In this sermon on Matthew 11:25-30, the speaker discusses the importance of humility, dependence on God, and finding rest in Jesus. Go to Sermon
Life Together Chad Cronin | Psalm 133
In this sermon on Psalm 133, the speaker discusses the importance and beauty of living in unity with other believers. Go to Sermon
The Present Kingdom Chad Cronin | Matthew 11:7-15
In this sermon on Matthew 11:7-15, the pastor discusses the present but invisible kingdom of heaven and the importance of having a burning passion to know and serve God. Go to Sermon
The Urgency Of Community Chase Comeaux | Hebrews 10-19-25
In this sermon on Hebrews 10, we discuss the confidence and assurance we have to enter the presence of God through the blood of Jesus. Go to Sermon