A Divine Warning Chad Cronin | Revelations 14:6-13
In this sermon on Revelation 14:6-13, the speaker discusses the importance of fearing God, resisting godlessness and false idols, and the reality of hell. The sermon emphasizes the need for endurance and the promise of eternal rest for believers. Go to Sermon
Walk By Faith Not By Sight Chris Price | 1 Kings 19:1-18
In this sermon on 1 Kings 19, we see Elijah’s journey from fear and discouragement to restoration and renewed faith in God. Go to Sermon
On the Mountain of God Chad Cronin | Revelation 14:1-5
In this sermon on Revelation 14:1-5, the pastor discusses the song of God’s people and the final outcome of their lives. He emphasizes the importance of passionately worshiping God and living a life of holiness as those who have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Go to Sermon
Evangelism 101 Phil Cronin | Revelation 20:15
In this sermon, the speaker emphasizes the value of personal evangelism and encourages listeners to be a light wherever they go. Go to Sermon
A God Pleasing Walk Chris Price | 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12
In this sermon on 1 Thessalonians 4, we discuss the importance of walking in holiness, harmony, and honesty as followers of Christ. Go to Sermon
Our Greatest Desire Chad Cronin | Psalm 42:1-5
In this sermon on Psalm 42, the speaker explores the psalmist’s deep desire for God and emphasizes the importance of seeking God above all else, even in times of difficulty. Go to Sermon
The Great Deception (Part 1) Chad Cronin | Revelation 13:1-10
In this sermon on Revelation 13, we learn about the rise of the beast, a false messiah, and the importance of having endurance and faith in the midst of persecution and deception. Go to Sermon
The Great Deception (Part 2) Chad Cronin | Revelation 13:11-18
In this sermon on Revelation 13, the focus is on the second beast and its purpose to establish Satan’s kingdom through deception and false worship. The false prophet, as the second beast is also known, uses signs and wonders to deceive people and demand worship for the first beast. The sermon emphasizes the importance of testing everything we hear and the need to walk in the Spirit, allowing God’s grace and guidance to lead us. It concludes with the assurance that as believers, we have the true advocate, the Holy Spirit, who seals us with the love of Jesus and gives us true knowledge and assurance of eternal life. Go to Sermon
Thorny Treasures Chase Comeaux | Mark 8:27-37
In this sermon on Mark 8, we explore the concept of taking up our cross and following Jesus, understanding that the thorny ways of following Him are treasures that lead to eternal life. Go to Sermon
The Miracle of Baptism Chad Cronin | Acts 10:44-48
In this sermon on Acts 10:44-48, the speaker highlights the miracle of baptism. He emphasizes that baptism is a declaration of our new identity in Christ and a visible manifestation of God’s grace. The sermon also emphasizes the impartial nature of baptism, as it is open to all who believe in Jesus. Finally, it emphasizes that baptism is a command that we must obey, and that it can only be fulfilled by the power of the Holy Spirit. Go to Sermon